Friday, May 7, 2010

Synergy Colostrum

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Colostrum derived from cow's milk of choice, rich in protein and Immunoglobulin G (Ig-G) which is a main factor in the immune system. Colostrum is the milk the prime form of yellowish liquid and viscous, the resulting female mammary glands or mammalian few hours after birth 
Colostrum is a substance secreted by glands supernutrisi dairy cows (bovine). Secretion occurs in the first 24-48 hours after a cow giving birth. Colostrum contains five types of immunoglobulin (antibody) and lactiferin which can act as an antiviral, antibacterial and play a role in the process of binding protein with iron. Role of colostrum is like a versatile antibiotic. The difference, he comes from nature. A number of doctors in the world convey recognition colostrum if services are truly extraordinary. There is no other substitute substances as powerful and as complete as could colostrum provided when old age we are increasingly crawl. For an adult's body, not unlike colostrum natural immunization. Immunisation unparalleled capabilities for the most complete protection. The only special substance to protect the body from various infectious diseases. 


 * Nutritional supplements for children and adults; 
 * Nutrition is suitable for pregnant women and elderly; 
 * Helps increase endurance; 
 Contribute * calcium; 
 * Functioning as an antibacterial, antiviral and antitoxin; 
 * The content of IGF-1 was useful to normalize blood sugar levels. 

Shape and Size: 90 Capsul per bottle 

How to Drink: 1-2 capsul, 2 times daily

to more details or buy this items, please click here.

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